Thursday, May 21, 2009

Leftover leftovers

We've still got some of that sauce left. So it was still the best option last night after I got home from work. Leftovers are almost always a better option than what I would come up with foraging in the kitchen (frozen pizza, ramen, flour by the spoonful, etc.)

While the sauce was still in good supply, I needed to prepare more pasta. After a long day simple tasks like boiling water and putting dry pasta in to cook for 11 minutes can start to seem like impossible undertakings. As a result I'll often start to entertain solutions that will really just take longer and require more work.

"Maybe.... instead of cooking more pasta, I could drive to the store buy some of that disgusting looking ready-made pasta, microwave it, decide it tastes like crap, throw it away, and then cook this dry pasta" or "What if I used a pressure cooker? That way the pasta would cook really fast, and I'd have something to snack on in the emergency room after the pressure cooker I've never used before blows up." and then there's "Maybe I'll just eat some flour with a spoon?"

Somehow I worked up the strength to cook the pasta. I had a nice glass of milk with it. You know, to take the edge off my day.

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