Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Maureen hardboiled the rest of the eggs that were starting to get old. We don't usually go through eggs fast enough to finish a dozen before they expire. We'll bake with them, scramble or fry them, or use one with bean burgers, but that all requires planning, and work.

However, like a caterpillar that's transformed into a butterfly, eggs that are hardboiled change from a boring food that requires tedious cooking before I can eat it, to a magical food of convenience. Something that can be easily found and eaten with a minimum of labor while grazing through the kitchen. Just like butterflies.

These little bundles of cholesterol just aren't the same without a nice boosting of the blood pressure though, so I like mine with salt.


  1. Jer sent this bloggity blog to me...I have to admit that I don't feel so bad about my love for extreme amounts of grated cheese on pasta or "wake the heck up coffee" now that I've read what you can eat. Keep it coming.

  2. Thanks Teresa. I'm glad you like it.

    I felt that people around the world could really benefit from reading about my eating habits. It's my way to do my part to make the world a better place.
